Right, so here i am starting upon a crucial year in my studies! Hopefully i'll be able to update this blog frequently with designs/thoughts/ramblings/creative processes/discussion and research throughout the year! Whatever the subject may end up being.
My initial thoughts over the summer have been broad and somewhat vague... hopefully a few meetings with lecturers will help to single out a few of these and lead me down one track.
Ive been thinking over the summer about the ralationship between graphics and gameplay, and how any correlation has shifted through the generations, how the balance between the two might have changed, one being prioritised more than the other, and whether this dependance is down the need to create a great game (in the developers mind), or just to appeal to the interests of the mass market and sell large quantities. I suspect in somecases things are sacrificed to please the majority, whether it be focussing on AMAZING graphics, or developing a new and interesting play mechanic (Move, 3DS etc).
At the moment there are too many thoughts floating around at the moment, which can probably be discerned from the length of the previous sentence!! The following weeks are now all about nailing down some ideas and planning for the year ahead. All starting tommorrow!