Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Back to the drawing board

I needed to revisit my floorplans and rethink the scale of my map. I looked at ship layouts from reallife for inspiration and ideas of how ships make use of space and how rooms link into each other. I need more than just one big main chamber and a few corridors around it.

The main thing to notice from this image is that cruise ships are alot longer than the design i currently have. If this was to be translated directly to a UDK map it might provide some difficulty as it would act as a 'funnel' forcing to make the players move in one direction. Although if the amount of access between different floors was plentiful then it would add more of a vertical dimension to the map, not just horizontal.
I am currently in the process of redesigning my greybox layout. I have hand-drawn floorplans, and i shall post these up as soon as i can scan them in/reproduce them in photoshop. This should be ready by Friday or the end of the weekend.

Once this is done i can get started on the main bulk of the project, filling out the details and importing static meshes. Main features of the map will be moddelled such as the doorways, staircases and general 'props' such as tables and chairs, which will be help to fill the empty floorspace.

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